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Miss. Mustard Seed Milk Paint Classes 

"Twenty-five gorgeous colors, 5 simple ingredients, endless possibilities."


Donna loves to paint, create and give new life to environments by
using old, new and decor you already have in your home. What
she loves most though, is inspiring others and teaching how to do the same!


Donna has years of design and DIY experience within the
building industry, transforming 10 of her personal family homes and  now as a business owner and paint instructor. She has

taught many workshops in her (new to her) hometown of historical Santa Paula. Teaching what she's learned over the years has become her passion and her daily life purpose.

  • Over 25 years in interior design/decorating experience

  • Donna has been Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint certified for over 4 years

  • Donna would love to collaborate with you on your next project!


Painting and living in a world of color

has been a lifelong passion. For the

past seven years, my love for design

has manifested itself in wearing

paint-splattered clothes, greeting every customer

who walks into my shop and dreaming

of what color to paint my next project!


I’d love to show you all the latest

techniques and ways to “make all things new''. 

So, have a look at our calendar for what's next, put

on an apron and let's paint!



One of my greatest joys is being able to teach and pass this gift along to others! Below are just a few of the workshops we've done over the years 

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